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Drug abuse is self administration of drug for non medical purpose, in quantities and frequencies which may impair an individual ability to function effectively and which may result in physical, social Or emotional harm
Now a days drug addiction and abuse are increasing among the youngsters which is becoming measure problem among the adolescent population
Reason for drug abuse:
1.Easy availability, curiosity, Emotional pleasure, social or group pressure
2.Common among teenager due to peer pressure
3.Other risk factor like unemployment, broken home, parental deprivation, migration, living away from home, allenation from family, relaxed parental control, large urban environment, school dropouts, Certain occupation, Areas with high crime rate, Areas where delinquency is common, areas where there are drug using groups
Drugs commonly abused:
This can be grouped into two groups:
A) Dependence producing drugs
Dependence means person becomes physiologically and physically dependent on the drugs , Dependence causing drug includes Amphetamine, opioid, cannabis, sedative and hypnotic, cocaine, Hallucinogenic, Tobacco, Alcohol etc
B) Non dependence producing drug
Includes Anabolic steriods
Drug dependence means state of psychic and sometimes physical also resulting from interactions between living organism and drug
Symptoms of drug abuse:
1.Loss of interest in sport and daily activities
2.Loss of appetite and body weight
3.Unsteady gait, clumpy movement
4.Slurring of speech
5.Unclear vision puffiness of eyes
6.Nausea, vomiting and body pain
7.Sleepiness and lethargy
8.Change in mood, temper
9.Impaired memories and concentration
10.Depersonalisation and emotional detachment
11.Anxiety, depression
1.Legal approach
Most important approach to control substance abuse and drug abuse, legislation (law) may be directed at controlling the manufacturers, distribution, prescription, price, sale or consumption of substance
2.Educational approach
Educational programs for school children and public information campaign on social media should be run
3.Community approach
Drug abuse is due to complex interaction between man, drug and environment so strong emphasis should be done at community level like Teen centre so that adolescent interest is shifted to more productive works like sport, music, art, religion etc
Treatment of drug abuse:
1.Drug abuser himself should identify the problem and come for treatment
2.Treatment is given in form of Detoxification of drug by specific antidote, psychotherapy and behavioural therapy
Relapse after the treatment is very common so integrated approach including registration, diagnosis, treatment and after care should be taken facilities for vocational training may be considered
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