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1.Have strong and healthy breakfast rich in protein like egg boil Or omelettes having cottage cheese etc

2.Have breakfast, lunch, dinner and post workout meals, eating smaller meals more often than eating big meal helps to decrease your stomach size , as not eating for longer period will tend u to eat more in successive meal 

3.Protein is best for muscle strength having protein rich meal helps u to strengthen your muscle protein rich food includes red meat, poultry chicken, Tuna fish, Eggs (whole egg don't remove yolk), milk, cheese, quark, yoghurt, vegetarian can eat lentils, tofu, seeds, nuts check more details in nutrition blog

4.Eat fruit and vegetables with each meal as this are low calorie and makes your stomach full so avoides gain of weight

5.Eat carbohydrates rich food only after your workout 

6.Eat healthy fat, healthy fats improve fat loss and health as they digest slow you can understand when u eat fat rich diet you won't feel Hungry for longer time as they are slow to digest and stays in stomach but you should avoid unhealthy fat like trans fat

7.Drink water post workout as this will prevent dehydration as due to loss in sweating and drinking water makes stomach full so u won't feel hungry for while

8.Have whole food mostly, whole food are those which are unprocessed and unrefined example: fresh meat, fish, poultry, eggs, vegetables, pulses, fruits, rich, pat quinoa etc

9.Avoid processed food as they have added sugar, trans fat, nitrates, corn syrup etc they include fruit bar, pizza, cookies, sausage, frozen meal

10.Do Excercise , as Excercise and activities that makes you work your muscles harder than normal u can do Excercise like jogging, swimming this will boost your system 

Various Excercises you can do

a. Squats means stand straight bend your knee joint and take sitting position than again get up

b. Use dumbell for biceps curls

c. Pushups, rather that raising knees keep your knee on ground and do pushups

d. Do plank this increase strength of abdominal muscle and reduces belly fat

e.Abdominal crunches 

f. Jumping jack, this cardio Excercise will help to get your heart rate going and your blood pumping while also building strength in your lower body

While doing Excercise you should take following precautions

•Start slowly and gradually increase intensity 

•Listen your body and stop when you need break or feel pain

•Allow for 1 day of recovery between working different muscle groups

•Do work in sets and take rest between each set

•Avoid being short of breath or holding breath inhale and exhale while lifting weights 



1.Your body strength depends on strength of muscle, strong body allows you to perform more work without getting tried

2.Helps to maintain healthy body weight by burning calories as decrease fat composition

3.This will boost mood and energy levels while promoting healthy sleep pattern which will help you to boost your confidence and live healthy life

4.Gives good posture and relief from pain in back joint as this increases muscle and joint strength

5.You will have more stability, balance, flexibility

For more visit Ujmedicalblogger

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